Mid Year Report
Bolk’s Companions 2024
Foundation for Phenomenology and Goethean Science
Every summer we look back at what we accomplished in the year so far and plan our work ahead.
Companion “Consciousness, the Brain, and Free Will” by Arie Bos, Majella van Maaren Editor
The translation by Caitlin Bevvino-Ring, GP in training in Maine, USA, and Christina van Tellingen is finished. The Companion is being prepared for publication by the designer, Gerda Peters from Fingerprint, with whom we have worked since 2000. If all goes according to plan, the translation will be published in book form at the end of the summer. The translation process has given this Companion extra depth and new insights after the publication of the Dutch edition last year.
In the fall, a third edition of the Dutch version will be published based on these new insights.
Arie Bos has given an interview for the Dutch Journal for Integrative Medicine (TIG) about his Companion and a book reference will appear in the October issue of the monthly journal Motief.
Companion on Attachment by Lois Eigenraam
In the past months Lois Eigenraam has been working on a second concept for this Companion based on the first editing round. The next editing round will be in October/November. We hope to publish this Companion in 2025.
Companion on the Intestines and Microbiome by Kore Luske
There are major developments in microbiome research that have an impact on writing this Companion, which is exciting and challenging for forming a comprehensive picture of the intestines and its microbiome.
Busy working days and new developments in her family practice make it harder for Kore Luske to have time for writing.
Research Conference of the Medical Section in March 2024
We participated in the 2024 medical research conference at the Goetheanum to further Goethean phenomenology and its importance in this conference. The importance of phenomenology in our work and that of others is recognized, however, many researchers have been focusing on natural scientific research methods recently.
International Medical Section Conference at the Goetheanum 2024
In September 2024 the international Medical Section Conference will center around clinical intuition. The Companion “Developing Clinical Intuition–a philosophy of science approach” by Maurits in ’t Veld, in cooperation with Majella van Maaren (editor) will be presented there.
Companion “From Special Needs to Realizing Your Full Potential’’ by Martin Niemeijer, Christina van Tellingen and Majella van Maaren (editors)
After publishing this Companion, Martin Niemeijer was asked for a contribution on constitution typology for a book that will be published in September 2024 on the occasion of 100 years curative education.
An article by Martin Niemeijer about constitution typology has been accepted for publication in the autumn 2024 issue of the German journal Merkurstab.
PR and Website
This fall, we are planning to publish a first annual newsletter on our website, aided by Michel Gastkemper.
Martin Niemeijer and Luc Steinbuch maintain and renew the website.
We hear about our work in various places
A young doctor told us how reading the Companions next to his textbooks helped him complete his studies.
In international medical curricula the Companions are an important learning tool.
Our 4-step approach as a phenomenological research method is used during study trips and courses.